Choose your own blog post topic week, hooray! What a blast. This is going to be a total blast. we're going to blast it out. Okay, I'm nuts, sorry. So I collected some good ideas from you. I've just sort of condensed, nuanced and filtered the list you've given me. Please pick one to write on. I want at least two full paragraphs of good, careful writing. Please pay attention to mechanics and ease of reading. Try to engage and entertain us. We don't have a lot of blog posts left so I'd like you to make this one count. Also, additionally, in addition. If you'd like, for those of you looking for extra credit, you can choose not one but TWO of these topics and write two SEPARATE blog posts, as in two different posts on two different days. (This is just a blogger convention. Only crazy people write more than one blog post a day. That's what twitter is for.) One or both posts should be up by Monday, April 19th before class. GOT IT? Yeah, you got it. Please specify which topic you've chosen somewhere in the post so I know what I'm reading. Thanks, friends!
- Describe atmosphere/experience at griz games.
- Talk about your plans for the summer
- A day in the life of "you." (alternatively, a week in the life, a weekend in Missoula, a snapshot of some kind)
- A short story or a poem (about the short story: keep in mind short. If you have some long crazy story lying around, consider truncating it for the sake of your audience. blog posts tend to become heady any more than like 700 words so keep this in mind. And believe me, I sympathize. I write long.)
- A vacation, an interesting place you've visited. What did you learn and how did you grow richer from the experience?
- A movie, music, play, show, something review. Something you either really love or really hate, and be specific about why.
- "Two truths and a lie." I don't know what exactly this is but I'm intrigued. Make it work.
- Secret talents - what are you good at and why is it a secret? What on earth.
- Anything else you think you can justify. If you choose something not on this list you'll have to tell me in your blog post what you've chosen, why, and how the post is going to work, so probably better to just choose something on the list.
I may or may not do this blog post. I feel like compiling the list itself was a lot of work!
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